Blog: Access to Housing is the Civil Rights Issue of our Time (Again)

的 housing crisis is both the cause and effect of systemic civil rights deprivations.

泰勒·潘德葛雷斯, 科罗拉多州sbobet篮球的宣传主任

1966年,博士. 马丁·路德·金. and Coretta Scott 王 left their single-family home in Atlanta’s Vine City neighborhood and moved into an apartment on Chicago’s west side. 他们的目标? To draw attention to the fight for equitable housing.

“如果马丁·路德·金. 他的家人搬到了贫民窟, I think even the media would begin to look at the slum area more closely,” 科蕾塔·金说.

公平住房法 (FHA) had been introduced that same year and was championed by Dr. 王. This civil rights legislation aimed to prohibit discrimination by landlords, 房地产经纪人, and banks — but it was going nowhere fast in a country where exclusionary zoning laws and redlining had made legalized 住房隔离 地道的美国菜.

这是在Dr. 王’s assassination and a direct appeal from President Lyndon B. Johnson that the FHA was passed and signed into law days after Dr. 国王的死. 作为一名住房倡导者 , “Fair housing was something that he literally died for.”

在20世纪60年代末. 王 and the civil rights movement had made open housing their priority because they understood that access to housing was itself a 基本人权. 的y also knew that housing access was intertwined with dismantling other systemic inequalities like unequal 接受教育的机会, 种族主义和暴力警务,和 种族贫富差距.

六十年后, 在全国的每个州, housing is once again the civil rights issue of our time.

Why the Right to Housing Still Doesn't Extend to Everyone

在科罗拉多州, 我住的地方, our towns and neighborhoods still mirror the scars of displacement, 排斥和隔离. 这始于几个世纪前 盗窃土著和西班牙人的土地 然后继续 掘金队的红线太猛了 that officially ended only a few short decades ago. Amazingly, Colorado communities were working to remove racist covenants 就在去年.

博士. 王’s time, explicit racism kept people of color from home ownership. 在我们这个时代, 房屋贷款批准算法 reinforce longstanding racial bias embedded through computer code.

In either case, the end results are the same. Today, when compared to similarly situated white borrowers, 一项研究表明 lenders are 40 percent more likely to turn down Latino applicants for loans, 50 percent more likely to deny Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) applicants, 70 percent more likely to deny Indigenous applicants, and 80 percent more likely to reject Black applicants.

最近的人口普查数据 show 68 percent of white Coloradoans own their own home, but only 52 percent of Hispanic or Latino Coloradans and 41 percent of Black families. 的se homeownership disparities directly contribute to 代际贫富差距. 在科罗拉多州, the median white family in the country had about $184,000美元的财富,而只有38美元,000元及$23,000 for the median Hispanic and Black families.

Reckoning with America's Racial Residential Segregation

的 rental market is similarly rigged for inequality. 科罗拉多州是 十大最差州 in the country regarding the gap between renters’ 收入 and rent. Low-收入 renters and renters of color suffer the most. 一个rous application processes and 收入 qualifications are barriers to renters of color and disabled renters, 以及持续的直接歧视.

A lack of access to housing is the upstream cause of the downstream crisis for unhoused people. 一个 统计 tells a lot of the story: every $100 increase in median rent is associated with a 9 percent increase in the homelessness rate.

As in every American city, Colorado’s unhoused population reflects historic racial discrimination. For example, in Denver, Black individuals are 过多 by 3.6 times as compared to Denver’s general population, 土著居民的4倍, 亚裔美国太平洋岛民减少4人.5倍.

Unhoused people suffer some of the most egregious civil rights 滥用s of our time. 这些危害包括 定罪永无止境 homeless-to-jail周期,警方 滥用,和 indiscriminate destruction of irreplaceable property in 致命的 无情”清洁工.

人们是否想买房, 租公寓, 或者干脆离开街道, the access to housing crisis is both the cause and effect of systemic civil rights deprivations.

How We're Working to Improve a Broken and Biased System

sbobet篮球几十年来一直在争取 公平住房,包括 只是驱逐住房保护 家庭暴力幸存者, drawing the connection between 住房隔离 and 警察滥用以及起诉种族歧视 贷款行为.

But unprecedented crises call for unprecedented responses. 这就是为什么科罗拉多州的ACLU 校董会 to a new, multi-year campaign joining the fight for access to housing. 在sbobet篮球, we’re expanding our 公平住房 work through our Systemic Equality program, with a focus on reducing mass evictions and barriers to housing opportunities through a multi-pronged litigation campaign, 并倡导 代表权 to ensure all people facing eviction have the ability to assert their rights in court. We will work for and alongside people and communities impacted by housing insecurity, 提倡, 和其他专家, to address the root causes of these systemic inequalities as well as the many symptoms.

博士. 王 taught us nearly 60 years ago, the housing crisis is, in fact, a civil rights crisis.